Monday, August 24, 2009

When I was growing up, supper was such an important part of my family's day. Whether it was a busy week, or a relaxing weekend, my parents made it a necessity for the four of us to sit down around the supper table and eat a delicious meal that either my Mommy or Daddy (or even sometimes I) made, while conversating about our day. Even in my moody teenage years when all I wanted to do was sit in my room and mope while listening to The Cranberries, my parents would make me come out and join them.
The reason for this little interlude, is that tonight Jon and I cooked a dinner...actually sat down at our rarely used kitchen table, and shared a meal together....Dave Matthews played in the background as we sat....we talked at times about our day, and other times it was silent with an occasional smile, or "No!" to the dogs begging, but I think it was important. I forgot how much sitting down and "breaking the bread" as a family can be.
After washing the dishes, we put on our sneakers and walked down our country road together with the neighborhood dogs following us by our sides.
What a nice evening it!....I got TWO workouts....:)


So, here is my first blog...I think this is mainly for me....I am on my computer so much doing school work, that this seems like the most appropriate way for me to keep a journal at this time...I don't have any high intentions...I know alot of people won't read this...but it means something for me to put my words out there somehow and reflect on myself and my thoughts....perhaps sometimes, i will even be able to enlighten those who may read this...who knows? we go..............